Face Reshaping

Facial Reshaping holistically restores balance for a fresher look.

Face Reshaping

What results can I expect?

Many non-surgical procedures focus on one area, but facial reshaping is all about restoring balance in order to restore your ideal shape by considering as a whole the forehead, eyebrows, cheek bones, jawline and chin.

How does facial reshaping work?

Dr Wilson will carefully assess your face as a whole and then look at specific areas in relation to all the elements. She will work with you to understand your concerns, and agree a treatment plan using the right combination of Botox and fillers in key areas.

Is the treatment painful?

Dr Wilson aims to keep the treatment virtually painless but you may feel some mild discomfort and depending on the extent of the work she may plan to carry out the treatment over a number of sessions.

Are there any side effects?

There may be some localised redness, tenderness, swelling and bruising but these tend to be very mild and temporary. As with all injections, there is a risk of infection, but this is very rare. More serious side effects and allergic-type reactions are extremely rare.

How much does facial reshaping cost?

The cost, from £900. Dr Wilson offers consultation at the Belfast clinic.